Directed by Milos Forman;
A criminal pleads insanity and is admitted to a mental institution, where he rebels against the oppressive nurse and rallies up the scared patients;
Jack Nicholson;
Release date 1975
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Louise Fletcher she was so beautiful and sexy.
Where did they go? Well, one flew east, one flew west... Nurse Ratched is kind of comparable to Terrence Fletcher from Damien Chazelle's Whiplash, who coincidentally. shares a last name with the Nurse Ratched actress. While Fletcher from Whiplash is the total opposite in tense of physical demeanor of putting out a LOT of rage on his students, Terrence Fletcher maintains his own kind of order through perfection, and that by his rigorous and aggressive methods can music students achieve greatness, since Fletcher shared with Neyman that all the other great musicians came about from aggressive practice and classes. Fletcher also first comes off of friendly, personable, and a good teacher, but once Neyman drums inadequately to Fletcher's tempo does Fletcher start to erupt and it frustrates him that a few of his students aren't at the skill level Fletcher himself wants them to be at. Fletcher and Ratched have their own ways of maintaining and expecting order, but I consistently thought of Fletcher throughout this video. He would a be a cool villain for you to analyze! Fletcher and Ratched are among my top favorite villains.
This reminds me of Adam Schiff and the impeachment hearings. Poor Democrats are losing their minds.
I have a great deal of favorite films, but if I must choose one absolute favorite, it would have to be this one. Jack Nicholson is one of the most superbly talented actors of all-time. I enjoy watching so many of his films. (Keep up the FABULOUS work Jack! I don't quite know what else to say except "wow. The story is excellent, the acting extraordinary. (I promise myself -as I do everytime- that I will not cry the next time I watch it. that's a big "yea right.
It had great cast of then unknowns
It still gets me that the window was open. Jack, one of the few committed, could have just left and laid low for awhile and then lived quietly in another state.
I was in one of these places for drug abuse from '71 to '74. Let me tell you something, this film is so accurate its unreal. Even the personality types including McMurphy. I had just turned 15, which is pretty young. At my place there were some very violent scary people who would go fucking insane if you looked at them the wrong way, insane as in breaking up the oak furniture screaming. Alarms would go off, the aids would some running with white sheets that had been soaking in ice water. They'd tackle the psycho, shoot him up with Thorazine, strip his clothes, wrap him in ice cold sheets and lock him in seclusion. I had some pretty interesting teen years. I met a lot of amazing people. One thing I can tell you for certain, the Psychs have no idea what they're doing.
Its easy to prove youre insane but its almost impossible to prove youre sane. It seems similar (in some ways) to being a prisoner of war. But I've never been a prisoner of any kind. Do Videodrome! Please. This is my favourite film of all time i cried at the end of the film. Id become so engrossed in the movie. A terrific movie every actor played their roll perfectly. Monty Python and the Holy Grail. One of my favorite movies. It would be awesome. You make me feel very peculiar, very peculiar LOL. The greatest Oscar acceptance speech ever! When she signed, the world shed a tear 😢 magnificent in every way. And that performance! Sarah Paulson are you listening.
This is the best scene. 0:19 the face you do when you know you've already lost. Is Billy Chucky. Actually McMurphy won when he strangled Nurse Ratched he damaged her vocal cords, she would never really be able to speak again so she lost her ability to intimidate, in short she lost control of the ward. The movie doesn't go into as much detail as the book did, but he screwed her up for life and she had it coming.
I really like Earthling Cinema. How about reviewing The Breakfast Club, The Sting or Rambo. Maybe next time choose Flintstones. oh my gosh. Hilarious... Read Kesey's book too.
Its about Native Americans and how everyone thinks that they don't realize whats going on around them in their native land but they're well aware one thing they have now is heavy psychotropic meds which can change you in 72 hours...
I absolutely love how Louise Fletchers gown floats across the stage
Jack Nicholson could have easily played Wolverine. The look. The voice. The manliness. That's what I want to do to Merkel or Blair. I watched that film yesterday and I was speachless. the end was so amazing. She is horrifying because Nurse Ratched exists, she is real. She can be a teacher, a nurse, anyone with some authority or control over our lives.
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